Thursday, February 27, 2020

Dream/outcome 11

When you woke up you notice that your in a different room. The room looks familiar to you. that's when you realize you became the character of Max from the game Life is strange. You are also in episode 1 you try to find a way out of the game but you saw a butterfly outside your rooms window then you forget what you were so worry about and procced to take a selfie before heading to Mr.Jefferson's class.

Now you believe your the real Max. You  do all things she did in the game and comics.
Enjoy your new life as her.

Dream/outcome 10

As you slowly regained consciousness, the unfamiliar surroundings of the room began to seep into your awareness. The first thing that struck you was the realization that you were no longer in your own bedroom, but in an entirely different place altogether. A quick glance around revealed an array of unfamiliar furnishings and odd trinkets, a stark contrast to the comfort of your own familiar surroundings.

Confusion swirling in your mind, you noticed a book lying beside you. It beckoned to you, its pages practically whispering promises of adventure and intrigue. You picked it up, its weight and texture feeling strangely comforting in your hands. It was a book you remembered, one that you had owned and cherished for years. But why was it here now?

Setting the book aside for a moment, your curiosity led you to explore the room further. It was a room unlike any you had ever seen before, with intricate tapestries adorning the walls and a peculiar assortment of artifacts scattered about. Your eyes darted around, seeking something familiar amidst the bewildering array.

Eventually, your gaze settled upon a mirror hanging on the wall. Approaching it slowly, you couldn't help but notice a sense of unease gnawing at your gut. When you saw your reflection, your heart skipped a beat. Staring back at you was not the person you remembered. Instead, you saw the visage of a humanoid wolf girl, with fur-covered ears atop your head, sharp claws extending from your fingertips, and a tail swaying behind you.

Fear and disbelief coursed through your veins as you inspected yourself, trying to come to terms with this impossible transformation. How had this happened? It seemed like something out of a fantastical story, the kind your friend had always dreamed of illustrating.

Suddenly, it hit you like a ton of bricks. This wasn't just a random occurrence; you had become the character your friend had been drawing for years. It was the very character she had envisioned as the protagonist of her long-imagined 20-book series about a girl who stumbles upon a mysterious portal to a fantastical realm.

A mixture of excitement and trepidation welled up within you. You were no longer yourself, but the embodiment of a character from your friend's creative world. This was a unique opportunity to experience the adventures and challenges that awaited the heroine of those stories, to delve headfirst into a world of magic, mythical creatures, and uncharted territories.

With newfound resolve, you decided to embrace this strange twist of fate and make the most of your newfound existence as the central character in your friend's epic series. As you stepped out of the room and into this fantastical world, you couldn't help but wonder what incredible adventures lay ahead. It was time to embark on an extraordinary journey, filled with unknown wonders and thrilling escapades, all while living out the life of a character born from the imagination of your dearest friend.


Dream/outcome 9

As the hazy veil of slumber lifted, you found yourself in a bewildering predicament – a room entirely foreign to your senses. Your initial impulse was to shift your body, but to your profound dismay, you realized you couldn't budge an inch. A creeping sense of unease enveloped you as you grappled with this bizarre stasis.

Then, like an eerie symphony, the familiar strains of the Disney movie intro jingle began to play in the background. The tinkling notes echoed through your perplexed mind, a precursor to an inexplicable transformation. Within moments, your very essence seemed to shift, and as you beheld your reflection in a nearby mirror, your own visage had been transmuted into that of Wendy, the beloved character from the classic Disney movie.

The waves of confusion intensified as you pondered your situation. Could you somehow escape this surreal ordeal? It quickly became apparent that this dreamlike realm had a cruel twist in store for you. Whenever another character from the movie crossed your path, an uncanny force compelled you to assume the persona of the character you had become. It was as though you were a puppet in a grand, whimsical theater, with your actions dictated by the roles of the movie's characters.

Time flowed strangely in this surreal world. You counted the minutes, the hours, and the days as you moved through the narrative of the film, waiting for that fateful moment when Wendy would return to her home. It was a glimmer of hope, the potential to break free from this nightmarish loop.

But just as you lay back in bed in the final moments of the movie, preparing to wake up in the lab where your journey had inexplicably begun, you were met with a disconcerting recurrence. The Disney movie intro jingle played once more, shattering your last vestiges of hope.

You were trapped in an endless cycle, an unending loop of Disney magic and mayhem. Each iteration drew you further into the story, erasing the boundaries between your true self and the character you had become. With each viewing of the movie in the breakroom, your memories of your former life slipped away, replaced by the belief that you were, in fact, the real Wendy.

In this never-ending reel of dreams and delusions, you were forever lost in the enchanting world of Disney, a captive of the very stories that once brought joy and wonder to countless others. The line between reality and fiction blurred until you became an inseparable part of the timeless tale, an eternal resident of a cinematic reverie from which there seemed to be no escape.


Dream/outcome 8

As you slowly open your eyes, the first thing you realize is that something is profoundly different. The familiar surroundings of your bedroom have vanished, replaced by a room that seems to have jumped straight out of a colorful cartoon. Every object in sight bears exaggerated shapes and vibrant, almost surreal colors that defy the laws of reality. It's as if you've been transported into an animated world.

Intrigued and somewhat bewildered, you begin to take in your new surroundings more attentively. The furniture, the walls, even the sunlight streaming through the window - everything seems to be crafted with a whimsical, almost dreamlike quality. You can't help but wonder if you've somehow stumbled into an alternate dimension or if this is all just an incredibly vivid dream.

However, the most startling revelation is yet to come. As you gingerly stand up and glance down at yourself, you gasp in amazement. Your reflection in a nearby mirror reveals a transformation that defies logic and explanation. You've become an anime girl! Your appearance now features the hallmark characteristics of this art form: large, expressive eyes, strikingly colored hair that defies gravity, and a petite, yet charmingly proportioned figure.

Stunned and speechless, you try to make sense of this bizarre situation. It feels like you've been plucked from your ordinary life and thrust into a fantastical realm of anime and imagination. The pieces of this surreal puzzle start to fall into place when you remember the anime character you created in that virtual world, the countless hours spent customizing every detail of her appearance and personality.

With trembling hands, you reach out and touch your own face, as if to confirm the reality of your newfound identity. The reflection in the mirror doesn't lie; you've become the character you meticulously designed in that Anime game. It's an astonishing and surreal realization that leaves you both exhilarated and somewhat apprehensive.

As you come to terms with this extraordinary transformation, you can't help but ponder the implications. Are you now merely a common non-playable character (NPC) in this fantastical world? What adventures, challenges, and surprises await you in this whimsical and animated reality? With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, you decide to step through the door and explore this enchanting, and at times bewildering, new existence as an anime character.


Dream/outcome 7

As you slowly awaken from your slumber, a wave of confusion washes over you as you realize that you are no longer in the familiar comfort of your own room. Your initial instinct is to move, to shift your body, but you find yourself inexplicably immobilized. Panic sets in as you attempt to utter words, but your voice remains trapped, unable to escape your lips. The sensation of helplessness intensifies as you struggle to understand what is happening.
In the midst of your growing apprehension, a voice suddenly pierces the silence, sending shivers down your spine. It's a voice you recognize, and as your eyes dart around the room, you spot your roommate standing there, clad in nothing but his underwear. Your mind races as you absorb this surreal sight, trying to make sense of the situation.
Your roommate's voice breaks through the tension, though not in the manner you would expect. He exclaims with an unsettling enthusiasm, "Man, this new sex doll is like nothing I've ever experienced before! It's so lifelike, it's almost as if I'm engaging with a real woman!"
The words hang heavily in the air, creating an awkward and unsettling atmosphere that seems to defy all reason. You continue to struggle against your paralysis, your mind racing with a million questions. How did you end up here? What is your roommate talking about? Is this some sort of bizarre nightmare or a twisted reality you've stumbled into?
Your heart races, and you desperately long for answers, unable to do anything but watch and listen as your roommate goes on about this inexplicable and disturbing encounter with what he describes as a lifelike sex doll. The room, once a place of familiarity and comfort, has transformed into a surreal and unsettling landscape, leaving you trapped in a bewildering and nightmarish scenario.
You ended up becoming your roommates new Sexdoll. Enjoy!

Dream/outcome 6

As you slowly roused from your slumber, the first thing that struck you was the distinct feeling of being in an entirely unfamiliar room. The soft morning light streamed in through the curtains, casting an inviting glow on the surroundings. You couldn't help but furrow your brow in confusion, your groggy mind struggling to comprehend your new environment.

With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you decided to explore this foreign setting. As you scanned the room, your eyes fell upon a mesmerizing array of geeky paraphernalia meticulously displayed on shelves and walls. Action figures, posters, and collectibles from various beloved fandoms adorned the room like precious relics, a testament to the occupant's deep and abiding passion for all things nerdy.

However, what truly caught your attention was the television screen, which commanded the center of the room's attention. It was currently broadcasting a Harry Potter movie, and you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from the enchanting world of Hogwarts and its magical inhabitants. The film played out scenes of spellbinding adventures and heartwarming camaraderie that had always captured your imagination.

As you watched, a curious thought crossed your mind, one that surprised even yourself. In a soft, almost involuntary whisper, you muttered, "I would love to have a threesome with Harry and Ron." It was a bizarre and unexpected notion, one that seemed to emerge from the depths of your subconscious. The words hung in the air, taking on a life of their own.

In that very moment, something extraordinary happened. It was as if the mere utterance of those words triggered a profound transformation within you. Your mind, as if by some magical spell, went utterly blank. Memories of your past life, your identity, your purpose—all of it seemed to dissolve into the ether, leaving you in a state of blissful ignorance.

With a newfound sense of serenity, you surrendered to the captivating world of Harry Potter that unfolded on the screen before you. Each scene, each spell, each character became your entire reality. The outside world, your previous life, and all the worries that once plagued your mind faded away, replaced by the whimsical allure of J.K. Rowling's creation.

And so, ensconced in that mysterious room with its enchanting decor, you embarked on an unexpected journey—an uninterrupted Harry Potter Movie Marathon. Time lost its meaning as you immersed yourself in the wizarding world, where the boundaries between reality and fiction blurred, and the magic of the movies carried you away to a realm of endless wonder and enchantment.


Dream/outcome 5

As your eyes slowly fluttered open, the first thing you noticed was that you were in an entirely unfamiliar room. The initial disorientation quickly gave way to a growing sense of recognition, however. It was strange; this room felt strangely familiar, as if you had spent countless hours here in your distant past.

A deeper look around the room revealed clues that left you bewildered. The posters on the walls were of pop stars and cartoon characters that had long lost their appeal to you. The furniture was scaled down, with tiny chairs and a low table covered in crayon drawings. Your heart pounded as you looked down at your hands, only to realize they were smaller and less weathered than you remembered.

Panic set in as you realized the impossible truth: you had somehow ended up in the body of your 10-year-old cousin. The memories of your adult life clashed with the childlike wonder of this moment. Desperate to make sense of the situation, you bolted toward the nearest source of technology - your cousin's PC.

But as you reached the desk, your eyes were drawn to something even more perplexing. Instead of the sleek computer you had expected, you found a stack of colorful children's books. You picked one up, and for a fleeting moment, you struggled to remember what you had been so worried about just moments ago.

Then, it hit you like a wave crashing on the shore. In less than an hour, you were supposed to be at Chuck E. Cheese for your best friend's birthday celebration. The urgency of the situation came rushing back. You couldn't just stay here, in your cousin's 10-year-old body, flipping through children's books. You needed to find a way to return to your own life, or at least figure out how to navigate this surreal new one. As the minutes ticked away, you were left with a daunting choice: embrace this unexpected adventure or fight to regain your adult life.


Dream/outcome 4

As you slowly stirred from the depths of slumber, you couldn't help but be struck by an overwhelming sense of disorientation. The world around you had shifted, morphing into something entirely unfamiliar. Gone were the familiar sights and sounds of your bedroom; instead, you found yourself in an entirely different room, bathed in soft, unfamiliar hues of pastel. Panic began to well up within you, your heart pounding as you tried to make sense of this bewildering situation.

As you took a moment to collect your thoughts, a profound realization washed over you, intensifying the disorientation. You were not only in a different room but also in a different body. You looked down and saw a distinctly feminine form, your belly swollen with the unmistakable signs of pregnancy. It was a surreal and bewildering experience, one that left you utterly perplexed.

The room around you held clues to your new reality. A photograph caught your eye, and you picked it up with trembling hands. In the picture, you saw a wedding scene that seemed straight out of a fairy tale. It was undoubtedly your wedding, but the startling revelation was that the person standing beside you, your husband, bore an uncanny resemblance to your best friend. Your mind whirled with confusion, struggling to reconcile this bizarre twist of fate.

As the days passed, you grappled with the profound and inexplicable changes that had befallen you. You felt like a stranger in your own body, uncertain of how to navigate this new existence as a pregnant woman. Basic tasks felt foreign, and even the most ordinary aspects of daily life seemed like insurmountable challenges. Each day brought a mix of confusion, frustration, and a growing sense of isolation.

However, amidst the chaos of your transformed life, a glimmer of hope emerged. Gradually, like scattered puzzle pieces falling into place, you began to regain fragments of memory. These fragments were not of your old life but rather glimpses of a life that felt like it had always been yours. Memories of growing up as a girl, moments with your best friend-turned-husband, and the joy and love of your shared experiences began to resurface.

With each passing week, the memories grew more vivid, pushing aside the remnants of your previous identity. It was as if you were shedding an old skin, letting go of the person you once were to fully embrace the new reality that had been thrust upon you. You learned how to be a woman in this world, drawing on the memories and experiences that now felt like your own.

In this strange and bewildering journey, you discovered the resilience of the human spirit. You adapted, you grew, and you transformed, embracing a new self that, while born of unfamiliar circumstances, was undeniably your own. It was a testament to the incredible capacity of the human mind to adapt, evolve, and find its place in even the most bewildering of realities.


Dream/outcome 3

As you gradually emerged from the depths of sleep, a peculiar sense of déjà vu washed over you. The room around you felt strangely familiar, its every nook and cranny etched into your memory. This eerie sensation tugged at the edges of your consciousness, urging you to make sense of it.

With a hint of trepidation, you allowed your eyes to wander, searching for the source of this uncanny familiarity. Your gaze was inevitably drawn to the full-length mirror positioned against one wall. It was there, in the reflected image, that you were confronted with an inexplicable and nightmarish reality. Staring back at you was not your own reflection, but the face of your sister's three-year-old daughter, a look of bewildered innocence in her eyes.

A surge of panic threatened to engulf you, the very core of your being quivering with anxiety. This was beyond any nightmare you'd ever experienced; it was a surreal and disconcerting transformation that defied all logic and reason. You attempted to scream, to cry out for help, but your voice had seemingly abandoned you.

Desperation clawed at your consciousness as you attempted to escape the bizarre confines of the crib that now contained your inexplicably infantile body. Your limbs moved with a foreign clumsiness, your motor skills betraying you at every turn. It was a bewildering and terrifying ordeal that left you on the brink of hysteria.

Just as your sister's words entered your ears, your heart sank further into the abyss of confusion. The door to the room creaked open, and there stood your sister, a mixture of warmth and concern in her eyes. With a playful tone, she cooed, "Aw, is someone hungry?" Her words dripped with affection as she approached the crib, oblivious to the turmoil that raged within you. "And someone made a little stinky," she added, her motherly instincts kicking in as she reached down to tend to the needs of her now-infantile sibling.

As your sister lovingly cared for you, the reality of the situation began to set in. You were no longer yourself, but an inexplicable presence trapped within the body of your sister's three-year-old child. A daunting journey of discovery lay ahead, one that would not only challenge your understanding of the world but also test the bonds of family in ways you could never have imagined.

This is when your mind regress to that of an infant enjoy your new childhood.


Dream/outcome 2

As you slowly stirred from your slumber, a peculiar sense of déjà vu washed over you. Something about the room seemed strangely familiar, though you couldn't quite put your finger on it. The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow that danced upon the walls, deepening the sense of nostalgia that hung in the air.

Still, your groggy mind struggled to piece together the fragments of recognition. Your gaze wandered around the room, taking in the details of the cozy and well-furnished space. It was a room you had seen countless times before, but the connection to your current state of bewilderment eluded you.

And then, as if guided by an invisible force, your eyes were inexorably drawn towards the ornate mirror hanging on the wall. As you approached it with a growing sense of trepidation, you couldn't help but wonder what unsettling revelation awaited you on the other side.

With a hesitant breath, you stood before the mirror and gazed into it. What you saw there sent shockwaves through your entire being. Staring back at you was not your own reflection but that of your 59-year-old mother, an image that seemed utterly inconceivable.

Panic welled up within you, and your heart raced as you struggled to make sense of this bizarre transformation. How could you have become your own mother overnight? The lines and wrinkles etched into her mature face, the silver strands of hair that cascaded gracefully down her back, and the wisdom that emanated from her eyes were all unmistakable signs of age and experience.

Despite the initial horror and confusion, you couldn't help but acknowledge that, in her own way, your mother looked stunning. She had aged gracefully, embodying a certain timeless elegance that seemed to radiate from her very being. Her confidence and the way she carried herself were reminiscent of a confident and self-assured woman, one who had embraced the passage of time with grace and poise.

As you took in the sight before you, a wry smile began to form on your lips. While the situation remained bewildering, there was a strange sense of pride in witnessing your mother embody the archetype of a "milf." She had retained her allure, and the years had only added a unique charm to her persona.

Still, the questions swirled in your mind, and you couldn't help but wonder how this baffling transformation had occurred. What cosmic twist of fate had led to this unusual scenario? As you contemplated these mysteries, you couldn't deny the profound lesson that life had just taught you – the beauty of age, the wisdom it imparts, and the enduring grace that can be found even in the most unexpected of circumstances.


Dream/outcome 1

Upon waking up, you discovered yourself in an unfamiliar bedroom, experiencing a sense of dizziness in your head. However, you brushed it aside and quickly reached for your phone, taking a selfie. With enthusiasm, you exclaimed,

"OMG, my boyfriend will absolutely totes adore this! Maybe he can come over, and we can spend some quality time together?"

You now found yourself in the persona of a 26-year-old named Lindsey, radiating a lively and carefree spirit.



As you recline in one of the intriguing testing chambers within the enigmatic Magic Trick Labs, a peculiar notion crosses your mind: a quick nap wouldn't hurt. Your curiosity gets the best of you, and as you sink into the comfort of the bed, a wave of drowsiness washes over you.

Unbeknownst to you, this innocuous-looking bed possesses a remarkable power—it can morph you into the very embodiment of your wildest dreams. However, what you didn't anticipate was that someone had tampered with the dream settings, and the transformation was set to "Girls."

Also once you wake up you'll enter a whole new reality.

Dream 1:

Dream 2:

Dream 3:

Dream 4:

Dream 5:

Dream 6:

Dream 7:

Dream 8:

Dream 9:

Dream 10:

Dream 11: